469 Stillwater Ave
Bangor, Maine
We are conveniently located on Stillwater Avenue in Bangor between Hobby Lobby and Buffalo Wild Wings.
484B Wilson St
Brewer, Maine
We are conveniently located on Wilson Street in Brewer next door to Subway.
657 Broadway
Bangor, Maine
We are conveniently located on Broadway in Bangor between Maine Savings and Governors near the Hannaford plaza.
19 Moosehead Trail
Newport, Maine
We are conveniently located on Moosehead Trail in Newport between McDonalds and Walgreens, right off I95 exit 157.
115 Leeman Highway
Bath, Maine
We are conveniently on US Route 1 South in Bath, Maine.
Contact: john@broscannabisbath.com / 207.389.4123